Video game

Summer 2017 - summer 2019

How I got into it:
Jay from TheKubzScouts started a playthrough of it, I thought it looked interesting. By the time I had finished watching the playthrough of the first arc I decided I wanted to get it and play it for myself.

What I like about it:
Its gameplay, its characters, its music, and its overwhelming amount of style. Everything has so much identity and charm to it. Despite my ever-increasing list of complaints about it, it's still a very comfy and fun game to me.

Ryuji Sakamoto

He's so enthusiastic and cares about his friends so much! And he manages to keep his head up despite his tough past (and his friends treating him like shit in the latter half of the game because someone thought that would be funny).

Ann Takamaki

She's cheerful and emotionally intelligent, and I love how she's driven to become stronger so she can help and inspire others. Seeing her take control of her sexuality (in the first arc and her side story, anyway :/) was awesome too.

Yusuke Kitagawa

I related to him a lot, as an artist and a person who's not too good with talking to people, and both his introductory storyline and side story were really good.

Futaba Sakura

Her entire storyline in the game was amazing, getting to delve into the way she felt and thought, and the reasons for it. And though she gets help from the other characters, she still manages to overcome her issues herself.
I related a lot to her too, with her nerdy interests and social awkwardness (though it's not as bad for me, I think). She's also just a really adorable snarky younger sister type of character.

Haru Okumura

She's kind and gentle, but doesn't wait until someone else saves her from her awful situation. She tries to handle it as best she can and tries to learn to trust her friends, I love that. I also liked that it took her some time to definitively stand up against her horrible father, instead of her making up her mind instantly.

Kasumi Yoshizawa

She has an amazing arc of finding her own purpose and identity, and she is the only one where I can believe that she's in love with the protagonist, instead of it feeling forced for the sake of being able to date the girls in the game.